zondag 11 maart 2012

My political tour around Slovakia - Week 3 - Anou Christiaens

Hello everyone!

We have left Poland and have entered Slovakia! Today I’m going to tell you something more about the politics of this country. Slovakia is a Republic; this means that they have a president. The government and president have to be elected. The fact that they elect their politicians means that they’re a democratic country. The president of Slovakia is Ivan Gašparovič. He was elected as president on 17th of April 2004 and then re-elected on 22nd of March 2009. He’s a much loved person and this shows when you’re walking down the street. There are a lot of pictures of him because the people like him and they like the way he handles things.

Because we were a little bit tired of the trip, we decided to sleep on the first day. So we began our tour of Slovakia the second day. We went to Bratislava, that’s the capital of Slovakia. Because of my interest in the politics of Slovakia, I suggested to visit the embassy of Belgium. That embassy is located in Bratislava. They were very excited because we were young girls with an interest for politics, not only for shopping. It was a very interesting visit because we received a lot of information.

People in Slovakia are very sensitive when it comes to Slovenia and Slovakia. In the pas there were two big countries, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. They broke into several smaller states. Two of them have similar names: Slovakia and Slovenia. Their names are similar but they have a different past. Slovakia rose from the Czechoslovakia and Slovenia from Yugoslavia. Slovenia suffered of a war conflict but Slovakia separated from Czechoslovakia in a peaceful way. That’s why people in Slovakia don’t like it when you mix up those two states.

That was it for today! I hope that you have learned a little bit more about the politics of this country. There’s only a little I can tell, so I recommend a visit to this country!

Xoxo, Anou

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